
My paintings are meticulously created through elongated periods of measuring, making mathematical choices, and choosing specific colours for a desired effect. The process of painting within the lines I have set myself is calming, a break from the normality that is life. My digital processes on Adobe Illustrator completely differ, I have a lot more freedom to create and experiment before I am confined to the singular artboard. Both aspects of my work allow for me to challenge different struggles creatively as opposed to destructively.

my degree show

My degree show is called “The Absurd Canvas”, an ode to the artistic journey I have been through during my degree. The lack of congruence felt while being surrounded by repetitive patterns can be very over powering, art is supposed to be enjoyed, so why is it that you feel so uneasy within my space?


art for sale

Currently, my nine 50 x 50cm paintings are available to purchase.

I am also taking commissions in the forms of acrylic paintings and digital prints – these can be customised almost indefinitely in terms of scale and colour palettes.

I have already received interest in some of my pieces to be displayed in a high-tech software company’s office, and I believe my pieces would be perfect for hotels, small businesses including cafes, and for personal display.

If you would like to enquire about custom pieces or any of the pieces available to buy in my degree show I am contactable either via email or Instagram direct message.